Band/Orchestra/Jazz Ensemble Music Folder
Our Band and Orchestra Music Folders are top quality and at the best prices; plus FREE SHIPPING on many of them. Colors, sizes, styles, band director discounts. We carry every major brand. In stock ready to ship directly to you.
Music folders for band and orchestra vary in size and features. But most are at least 10" wide and 12" high. Some feature plain folders such as the (Humes and Berg F3200) which have only pockets, to Deluxe models with pencil loops (Humes and Berg F7300). Our selections are available in fancy deluxe versions to economy folios. Consider in your use for things like the amount of music you are carrying, to the weight and overall size of the folio. 12x14" folders are fairly standard for big bands, for example. But the overall size determination should be based on the the actual size of the sheet music. Today, many manuscripts are in pdf format which a 9 x 12 folder might be sufficient.
And we have music cases to carry and transport your folders.
Follow this link for sheet music transport cases.
We have dozens of styles, colors, and sizes for your band, orchestra, or choir. We offer quantity discounts on purchases and free shipping on most orders. We accept purchase orders for qualified organizations. Email us at and we'll get you started.
Since we have used many of the music folders we offer to you, plus have asked customers what they prefer, we can give you the specifics of each music folder and then recommend the perfect folder for you. Sometimes all you need is a durable folder that will provide what you actually need and we can help you with that and your budget. No need to purchase a heavier stock than necessary.
Our folders have been or are being used by the top bands and orchestras throughout the world. They recognize the quality and value of the products we offer and they continue to add or replace as needed. Most have decided early on that a vinyl covered folder with pockets, for example, is sufficiently durable for what they need than more expensive leather folders costing 2-3 times as much. At the same time, breaking up their music for different concerts allow them to use far less expensive cellulose paper for those events. This keeps costs down yet services their needs.
We offer music folders from the top brands at a price that is far less in most cases than what you would pay even if purchased directly from them. Brands like Deer River, Hal Leonard, Protec, Hume's and Berg, and Marlo Plastics are at the top of our lists. Most of these brands will ship factory direct if ordered through so you will get your folders faster and less expensive than buying direct or from other retailers.
In addition to sheet music folders, offers the Best Sheet Music Storage Boxes available anywhere. There is a size of BEST BOX to fit your needs!